Saturday, November 24, 2012

Darkside (Do you have one?)

I really like being part of the Cold-Y Generation and here is a fellow Cold-Yer doing her thing.  She sings so beautifully.  There are so many Cold-Yers doing their thing all over the globe.  I just think we need a real shift in thinking and we represent that needed mental shift.

This Is Only The Beginning

Well I'm finally done with all my cathartic posts.  It was meant to heal a lot of wounds, but I ended up healing many wounds on myself as well.  I still consider myself a revolutionary and will do anything to achieve Social Revolution.  This blog will become more relaxed as I have been as searing as I'm ever going to get.  I hope this blog will inform as well as entertain, though I hope to do more informing.

We desperately need real Social Revolution in the United States.  With the wars overseas, a shattered economy, and all this world ending 2012 mess America is going to get real real, real soon.  So let it begin.  If you feel it speak it. Don't be ashamed.  We need Social Revolution in the form of bringing real dialogue back to the public square.  We can do it.  It must happen.  Our future depends on it.  Remember this is only the begining.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Where Were At (America)

The final summary:

O.K. where to start with this one.  Lets start with the parenting.  It varies from race to race but the irrational mind states are most strong among white and black boomers.  Well a lot of guys and gals especially Gen Xers are just trying to be decent parents because of so much shitty parenting from their parents.  Or lack of parenting altogether.  Its left a void in leadership .  People who know better don't have time to "get involved" because their too busy trying to be a decent family person. Which is why when someone comes along and says some things that make sense so many people gravitate to it.  You know so many people are just living day to day in a bullshit system, they'll put hope in nearly anything that comes along.  It can't be denied that 9-11 threw a lot of shit out of wack.  The country hasn't really been the same since.  It would be helpful to look at the news articles and what people were talking about prior to 9-11.  It can help add some perspective.

I started this summary speaking on irrationality among the boomer set and parenting so I have to speak on the Greatest Generation.  If you take away all the ignorant racism and stoicism of the Greatest Generation their reality is vastly superior to the Boomer reality.  I'm not talking music (though you could make a case for it) political theory, (you could make another case) or any of that shit.  I'm talking about the quality of people.  Maybe I"m old fashioned but thats just how I see it.  The reason why people don't act like human beings is because of the boomers whole overnight revolution mind state.  Add those radicals narrowing of basic reality and you get a bunch of pissy, psychotic people.  Which we see time and time again in Gen X's music.  Outside of the entertainment industry things haven't changed that much on a social level.  Which is why you have a lot of guys and gals choosing a life of service over a life of self indulgence.  I'm included in that category whether I like it or not.  And I honestly don't.  The whole playboy/playgirl life.  In many peoples eyes theres just not time for it.  The situations were in are just to dire to live a life of selfish luxury not concerned about where the world is going.  Which is why a lot of men and women don't want to have kids.  A lot of these people would make the best parents, but to a lot of them having kids in the world were living in doesn't make much sense.  So I completely understand why a lot of people don't want kids.  A certain actor was saying how the desire to make babies is really just a desire to create.  Most people aren't artists so instead of creating a piece of work they have a yearning to make something thats purely their own.  Thats a baby.  I've wanted a kid since I was literally a kid.  What does that say?  And the whole theory that people only dream in black and white.  What is that about really?

White America

Ultra Liberalism and Ultra Conservatism

There is strong polarization in White America.  There are many different types of polarization just like there are anywhere else.  The polarization that has gripped the world and continues to stifle White America and by extent the rest of America and the world is Ultra liberalism and Ultra conservatism.  These far left and far right people argue about their idealized lifestyles as if the world depended on it.  Both are well meaning its just their too extreme and unrealistic for the average person. The far lefters don't want you to be threatened by homosexuality they can't even call a spade a spade.  The way these people act you think they want you to have sex with homosexuals.  Meanwhile the uber conservatives barely want you to have sex.  All while being entrenched in some puritanical faith.  Its exhausting just listening to these two polar opposite groups bicker.  And the conversations don't go anywhere.  Wake up liberals.  The conservatives don't care about homosexuals.  Get over it.  Wake up conservatives.  These liberals think any kind of sex between adults is O.K.  Thats just the way they are.  Both sides need to accept certain things about the other side and move on .  The dialogue needs to change.  Thats all I'm saying.


My second section is about women .  Women, women, women.  Women constantly remind us how evolved we are (are not).  Women have made great strides in the industrial era.  Still many would say that the strides women have made are constantly being stifled by pornography and prostitution.  Women are a precious resource and should be respected much more quickly than a man should.  It is a woman's job to constantly remind men of their role in helping shape the world.  The fact that we have not put the woman on a pedestal is the main reason why the world is in the mess its in.  So women should never be afraid to speak out and/or complain about whatever they feel.

Radical Boomers - multiculturalism -Generation X

The whole point of so called multiculturalism was to get the average white youth to look past just being an American.  To take a culture or cultures and apply it to their life in some positive way.  A lot of people need to be taught about other cultures because their view is so narrow.  But yeah expanding your horizons and seeing the world in a new light in the whole point of various cultural education.


The main problem with homosexuals today is that they don't know their place.  Homosexuality is a big deal plain and simple.  Big, big, deal.

Gen X and music

In helping with the connection of all the madness going on we need Gen X musicians to be happy healthy human beings.  Their music needs to emphasize change and progressiveness.  Their music should take on a more experimental edge.  Gen X musicians are some of the greatest artists ever and their inspirational music can help change the world for the better.


White people should be more positive especially they young people.  Many white Americans have too much to be thankful for them to be as negative as some of them are.  So yeah be more positive.

Spanish America

Family Unit

The strong family unit in Spanish and Latin cultures is something known all around the globe.  Bernie Mac made a joke saying that if he was Spanish he'd be mad than a motherfucker because all we talk about in America is black and white.  Many white and black Americans could learn a lot from the family values displayed by Spanish speaking people.

Sexual Behavior

The great thing about addressing sexual insanity in America is talking about Spanish sexual behavior.  Spanish sexual behavior seems to be the normalcy between a sexually insane white person and your average sexually repressed black person.  This is another example where the two extremes could learn a lot from the Spanish culture.

Black America

Civil Rights

Now the Civil Rights movement is a movement that is known about worldwide.  It was a movement in which blacks were expressing their demand for equal treatment and rights that should be granted to all human beings.  The only problem in post Civil Rights black America is where to go from here.  Too many black people seem to think that integration was an end in itself and we should be to be accepted by white people now.  Well integration as an end all be all is a very dangerous way to think.   That wasn't what the Civil Rights movement was about.  The integration was for the purpose of being able to operate and obtain the benefits of mainstream American Society.  Black people the world over need to understand this.  I say this so black people aren't blinded by the excesses of higher living.  We all have a responsibility to be loyal to ourselves and that means being loyal to the plight of all black Americans.

70's Blacks

Now black America in the 70's is what older people are always talking about.  They say black people were more unified.  That we had a greater sense of purpose, and we cared about each other more.  A lot of this is true.  At the same time this is where things started to go downhill as far as family values and respect amongst one another.  A black Gen Xer was even quoted as saying that "you couldn't buy a friend after 88."  This was in reference to all the cold hearted capitalism of the 80's and its subsequent magnification during the 90's.  Blacks would do well to look back to the 1970's in examining whats wrong and whats right in black America.

Revolutionary Blacks and Regular Blacks

A very important section.  There are revolutionaries in every culture and racial group, and their relationships with the average citizen within that group is something seldom discussed.  Too often Revolutionaries and conscious minded folk tend to become distanced from the average person.  This mainly has to do with the knowledge obtained by the conscious minded folk.  They obtain knowledge and start to go their own way.  The main obstacle between revolutionary blacks and regular blacks is the revolutionary blacks want the regular blacks to properly identify themselves.  A lot of revolutionary blacks are mad at a lot of regular blacks as they feel their too concerned with adapting to the system instead of forming a single identity and solving our own particular problems.  Revolutionary blacks want regular blacks to pick a proper identity besides simply black to identify themselves as.  Revolutionary blacks need to be more understanding and patient when it comes to this sensitive issue.  We all have to make it together.  Revolutionary blacks need to do much more in bridging the gap and distances between themselves and the average member of the so called black community.

Gen X music

Much like their white counterparts Gen X musicians in the black community have much to offer.  Hip hop has long been the mirror of black America and America in general.  So when we talk of so called misogyny and the negative aspects of hip hop culture we need to examine society and men's behavior in general instead of coming down on rappers.


Blacks in America should definitely be more negative in their outlook.  One of black peoples problems is our figurative smiling and grinning to so much stuff when we should be complaining and crying.  Black people have come a long way in the states.  There is still plenty for us to be up in arms about though.  Plenty!!  But yeah, black people should be more negative.

Asian America

Family Unit

Much like Spanish America the Asian family unit is something known about worldwide.  Blacks and whites in America could also learn a lot from Asian America in this department as well.

General America

The first thing we have to address in talking about general America is the broken system.  The language we use, how we conduct business, go about our daily lives is in total disarray.  These are operating systems and these and many other operating systems are severely broken.  Theres too many people out there that don't realize how broken the system truly is.  If people would just take a step back and look at the bigger picture they would quickly realize that the system is so out of whack its ridiculous.  These people need to realize that the normal everyday operating systems that take place in our everyday lives are not functioning properly.  The concepts we are using have become outdated and trite.  Many of them started out that way.  Which brings me to my next point.  The bigger picture.  Its all there is.  Looking at the big picture helps you to see things for what they really are.  It puts things into their proper place, and it makes you face certain truths and makes you deal with things you wouldn't normally want to deal with.  For our futures sake people are going to have to start looking at the bigger picture.  Which leads into context.  There is not enough respect for context these days.  When you stop respecting context you lose bearings on many basic things.  So lets get on with this shall we?

Boomers Time Warp

Alright starting off just keeping all the way 100.  A lot of boomers seem to be stuck in a time warp.  A lot of them still haven't grown up.  A lot of them have to be reminded that this isn't "back in the day" anymore.  Many of them have a problem with acknowledging the failures of the past which have unfortunately shaped our present.  The mindstates vary from race to race, but the irrational mindstates are strongest among white and black boomers.

Gen X Death Toll and New Gen

The second section has to do with Gen-X in general.  The Gen X death toll during the late 70's through the 90;s speak for itself.  It showed us what young truly is because they were dropping like flies.  The Gen Xers that have survived have just been trying to be decent parents to the New Generation.  One of the things that Gen X is going to have to teach New Gen about is the importance of context.  Lack of context is one of New Gens weakness.


Generation X and Cold-Y are the second wave of people affected by  the travesty known as the Sexual Revolution.  many Gen Xers think that there was nothing wrong with the Sexual Revolution.  Thats a debate for another day but the most important thing to happen next is a New real Sexual Revolution.  The real sexual Revolution needs to be a racial sexual revolution across all color lines.  There are tons of different racial backgrounds and a real sexual revolution would take this into consideration.  Sex is fun and the youth can change the fallacies brought on by the boomers sexual revolution.  I encourage the youth to start a real sexual revolution with race as the main subject behind it.

Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation are probably some of the most betrayed people in recent history.  These people stayed true to themselves their whole lives only to have a bunch of arrogant boomers turn everything they knew on it's head.  My grandparents are from the Greatest Generation.  Their some of my favorite people on the planet.  The Greatest Generation can teach you everything you need to know about life.  We owe it to the Greatest Generation to be true to our ourselves and rectify so many of the wrongs brought on by the boomers.  Greatest Generation 4 life!!

Overnight Revolution

One of the most glaring things you notice about the boomers many revolutionary actions is the expedient nature of their various movements.  I call this the overnight revolution mindstate.  So Many things were done in a fast food kind of way instead of a restaurant kind of way.  people became idealists and said this is the way things should be.  All of a sudden these idealists just expected for things to change overnight.  And then they had the nerve to narrow reality with that "GAY" mess.  Narrowing of basic reality is very important which is another reason why this "GAY' mess needs to be rectified.  Overnight revolution works out for no one.


There are two types of America. The one before 9-11 and the one after 9-11.  9-11 changed the social landscape of America.  It affected people in many different ways.  It showed that America could be attacked at any time.  9-11 should have raised peoples consciousness about the kind of world we live in.


The economy could easily be remedied if we stop sending jobs overseas and focus on American manufacturing.  Export, Export, Export.  Capitalism is already a limited, frivolous system.  We need to be more frugal with our spending.

American War Machine

This section speaks for itself.  The American government seems hell bent on regulating and policing the world.  Many Americans don't like the way the government uses the military.  As I said in my Teenage+Womb-en revolution post, America is the last country to tell another country what to do.

Mainstream Media

The mainstream media is probably the most crippling aspect of news service in America.. There are so many corrupt things going on yet we receive the same spin day in and day out.  Me thinks the majority of mainstream media is corrupt as well.  Now regarding T.V. ownership.  T.V. isn't really free like it used to be.  in fact its quite the opposite.  Majority of T.V. channels are owned by one count em one entity.

Entertainment Culture

One of the more important sections for the youth deals with reality and entertainment culture.  Mos of us absorb entertainment culture.  The problem becomes when entertainment culture dictates our morals and social bearing instead of our actual lives and beliefs dictating these social mores.  There was a famous cartoon that said "Hollywood is leading our kids down a moral sewer."  If Hollywood is doing that then that has a lot to do with the revolutionary ideals which affects the society which affects the art.  Which is what your average person absorbs.  you know that mainstream.  In the book The Day America Told The Truth it said that California has been setting the standard for America for decades.  That has to do with the radical politics.  The politics have deteriorated and the standards have dropped to extreme sub par levels.

Obama Presidency

The Obama presidency was definitely a history making event.  It brought people together.  It also showed that America might no be as racist as some people say it is.  The Obama presidency can be looked at as a god example of how people can rally behind something in mass numbers.


Service is a word that has real meaning.  Service to the people is something that is much needed in todays world.  Whether you consider yourself a revolutionary, activist, organizer, whatever, service is needed.  We live in a gimme society and good service is becoming harder to find.  I have pledged my life to serving the people and many able people should do the same.

Population Control

What can I say about this one?  We only have one Earth.  We cannot continue to selfishly reproduce in the numbers we are currently doing it in.  Population control is a subject that needs to be taken seriously  Countries like China have Child-family limit laws.  Any suggestions or plans should be brought to the table immediately.


The boomers destroyed the English language and made an already faulty language into a joke.  I would suggest learning another language besides English.


Social Revolution is what needs to happen now.  I have given  people all that tools  we need for real change.  From calling a homosexual a homosexual instead of "GAY" to recognizing the limits of mainstream media.  It's all here.  Cold-Y is the last of the realists.  its our turn to take the helm.  Everyone in their late 20's and early 30's and beyond should heed my call.  We can save the world and its up to us.  Generation X are our older brothers and sisters and we need their help to.  The disrespect of women, ignoring children and letting them raise themselves, the apathy towards real life changing politics.  All these and more need to be abolished as social norms.  The teenagers and the women are what matters and we can't deny these and many other truths anymore.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Official cOlD - Y MANDATE WORLD VERSION (and a little info for New Gen)

First Things First

Study The Greatest Generation - They can teach you alot about life and just being a real person.  For the majority of us these are our grandparents anyway.  R.I.P. Grandmother

Dissect Gen - X culture - They can show you hou to do alot of things right and alot of things right and alot of things wrong.  In dissecting Gen-X culture understand this isn't anything against Gen-X.  We're attempting to rectify as much as we can.  We don't  want a Real-Life Revenge of the Sith scenario over misunderstanding and ignorance.  Well that pretty much won't happen as long as we do what we're supposed to do.  You know make our own ending.  Turn a seemingly inveitable tragedy into something workable.

Dissect Boomer Ideology - They can show you plenty on what to do wrong.  Also Thourghly study a lot of that so called Sexual Revolution stuff. Spanish, African, Asian, and I wouldn't doubt many European cultures have acknowledged sex is normal for centuries.  Why the boomers didn't look to these cultures in all their "enlightment" is beyond me.  This bullshit has spread across the globe which is why it concerns me.  You know indirect effect.  A lot of the boomer revolutionaries do alot of picking and choosing with history and their ideology.  I mean its a mess.  Add to the fact that they totally wiped out a whole Generations reality like they never existed only adds to the audacity.  The nerve of these guys.  A Gen-Xer was saying how a lot of those boomers raised all that ruckus and then eventually became the establishment.  Yeah half-assed revolutionay ideals work out for no one.

Unforgiving Realism At All Times

No Exaggerations of Any Kind

All Strong Cold-Yers Must Be Respected - It seems to be a 80s mind set and I think its where all the realism comes from.  We've watched America get softer and softer to the point where its hurting people just to live here.  Psychotic Society and all that.  During the 90s Gen-X got all P.C. and crap with a bunch of concepts that never should have been initiated in the first place. And they've pretty much been that way ever since.  We didn't really do that in the first decade of the 2000s. We need to get out from under the mental umbrella of our Gen-X older brothers and sisters.  Its not our real mindstate.  All Cold-Yers must absorb all the Cold-Y music and movies.  If you take notice political correctness and conformity is not something were too familiar with.  It's just a very specific point of view.  We're talking THREE STRONG YEARS here.  The further you go up the more New Gen the view gets and the further back you go the more Gen X the view gets.  Its all held together by those three strong years though.  All the real ones know who they are.  They know how they've grown up and who they've been around and how they see the world.  So you're going to have to start aligning yourself with more Cold-ers.

Overstand that the New Generation didn't grow up on a lot of the violent stuff that we grew up on.  Respect their more tame personality.  All the Cold-Yers know whats up.  All these younger mutherfuckers.  I mean their young as hell and their P.C. as fuck.  All the P.C. and fake shit has become the norm.  Gen-X knows they weren't like that when they were that age and neither were we.

Check Bullshit From Anyone

Never Let Your Gaurd Down (Better Safe Than Sorry)

Cat Reflexes - Never Slip

Self-Defense Is Common Sense

Respect Gen-X influences but throw away any defects.  You know the same you would do with any parent.  And that goes for any influence, inspiration, knowledge, etc. etc.

We Make The Rules And Rules Always Have Exceptions

MOST IMPORTANT:  Analyze whats been tainted and what hasn't.  A lot of stuff has been tainted.  ALOT.  We're attempting to get rid of labels and titles until the day where someone takes on a label, respects it, and holds up that title in a respectful responsible manner.  And lives up to it.  And when everyone else respects it instead of being jealous or hating or just not plain respecting it because it doesn't match up to their reality.

For the time being you're going to have to essentially view most English words as hackneyed.  Most other languages words still have weight I would like to believe.  I don't know for sure though. Only the people of those languages can tell you what the deal with their language is.  But yeah view most most English words as hackneyed.  So many words already are anyway.  Don't put too much weight behind words for the time being.  The Boomers made English words essentially meaningless anyway.  Take on a more absurdist viewpoing on life.  The Bommers made so much of reality absurd anyway.  We don't want the entire world to be doomed because of the arrogance, sefishness, and childish stupidity form a very high percentage of one generation.  But yeah take on a more absurdist viewpoint.  It can get you through a lot of stuff.

Theres a certain Why? musical artist who died recently who I see as kind of the martyr for all of this.  Instead of being a messed up noncormist whos ultimately right, we need to be clear minded focused orderly non-confromists who are ultimately right.

As far as the New Generation their going to have to be true to themselves and find out what they like and don't like.  It's going to be a bit harder for them because the youth culture has generated so much with crap reality T.V. and insipid and uninspired T.V. Shows.  So if New Gen wants to find out who they really are and what their purpose in life is their going to have to start looking in other venues besides the mainstream.  Many of them already doing this.  Peoples fates don't need to be left up to pure circumstance and chance.

Now I know Generations shouldn't be labeled in the first place.  Its conformist.  Cold sounds cool much like Generation X sounds cool, but at the end of the day it doesn't really define anything.  So yeah I realize labeling a generation is some bullshit in the first place.

Now I have to act on what I speak or write.  I don't know exactly what I'm going to do or how I"m gong to go about doing it.  I got alot of stuff about me thats not perfectg.  My persona is essentially my natural personality with geek and pop culture.  Pop culture means popular culture by the way in case you didn't know that.  But yeah, its like that for a lot of people as far as having a lot of popular culture in their head.  I mean most of us grew up watching T.V.  Play a lot of commerical music.  Purchase name brand products.  I mean thats just how it is.  Its called the mainstream.  A lot of that needs to be changed too.  I thought I could ba a revolutionary purely off of boomer ideology which I now know to be impossibe.  I'm  part of a particular viewpoint and we have a lot to offer the world. I'm attempting to make it so where were not just highly original individual who are respected for being original and thats it.  Generations are already a fickle thing because not everyone in the Generation is concerned with social issues and stuff like that.  Add to the fact that there isn't alot of us only stacks the odds Greater.  So were just going to take it nice and slow for the time being.  Kind of connect our similar mindstates and consciousness so to speak.  We're essentially the last of the realists and we give our own particular knowledge and game to these kids we can change alot of this bullshit.

We're talking a 3 - 5 year plan here.  5 years from now we don't want the scene to be the same.  The mindstates, attitudes, stereotypes, judgemental stuff, the homogenized unrelated stuff, the bullshit concepts.  None of it.  Now I'm not going to act like I'm above all that stuff.  I've made judgement calls and had attitude problems and made stereotypes just like anyone else.  But I plan on working on all that.  We're talking Social Revolution before any significant Policital Revolution.  After that time has expired.  Then we can jumpstart all this political shit.  Because the social structure will be in place where we can work it out in a feasible practical manner, and actually get real progress done instead of dreamy idealism.