Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Resolution for the Homosexual community. Adhering to this protocol can solve the problem of the so called "GAY" community.

We all know about the homosexual community.  It has a very real presence in America.  What people are also familiar with is the headache inducing name homosexual men and women have chosen to designate themselves as.  "GAY".  Thats right.  "GAY".  Many people think its stupid.  It doesn't make any sense and these people and the various organizations and people associated with them need to overhaul and get rid of all this "GAY" mess.  People just want these people to call a spade a spade and start doing adult things with all this GAY mess. 

Alot of people are also unaware of the so called transgender associated with it.  This so called loving community lets men and women not educated about their minds and gender identity act in unhealthy fashion and go through atrocious body altering surgery.  The false ideology of bisexuality and transgender is totally unethical and needs to be banished as an acknowledged identity immediately.  Conservatives need to be very assertive in stating their etical and sanity concerns with the so called "GAY" community and this bisexuality/Transgender nonsense.

Which brings me to my next point.  The overhaul and renaming within the homosexual community.  A spade needs to be called a spade.  If someone wants to call a homosexual man or woman a faggot or a dike then thats their perogative.  But the fact still remains that that particular man or woman is a homosexual and needs to be called what they are.  And this is what no one is saying.  So there needs to to be a meeting or series of meetings held dealing with these issues.  Conservatives already want these meetings to be held.  They just want these liberals and their various organizations to call a spade a spade and get rid of all this unethical nonsense.  So most likely these meetings should be held in San Francisco.  I implore Liberals and especially conservatives who have the know how to get these meetings together.


 I mean this is what all this is really about.

Which brings me to my final point.  Homosexual material.  Brokeback Mountain movies and homosexual pornography shouldn't exist plain and simple.  Homosexual material in the U.S. can be a bit extreme.  This needs to be brought to the table by conservatives as well.  At the end of the day its all about ethics.  These meetings need to be formed and have to happen.  Its about the overhauling and eradication of all this nonsense.  We're trying to create a proper world for the babies.